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20 Mart 2012 Salı

To summarize by computer, or to summarize by human...that is the question

To start with wordle.net, it was a good website that finds keywords and sort them by using rate in the text and the biggest word is the most used one. I shall continue with smmry.com. At first, it is a summarizing system that help us read quickly such long texts and help us to have an idea about text. Moreover, we can decide how many sentence do we want in summary. I think it's useful. I shall write about topicmarks.com. It's similar to smmry.com, but it's a bit advanced and organizes the text better. Summarizing websites such as smmry.com and topicmarks.com, help the student very much but when we look into them in the perspective of an instructor which is not good at using technology, students may abuse by plaguarising. Finally, I think they are helpful and useful because it gives us much more time than summarizing by hand.

1 yorum:

  1. Great to see that you have taken some time to explore and analyze the three sites. You seem very positive about the benefits of WORDLE, SMMRY and TOPICMARKS. Do you think that the developments in technology and creating computer programs that can 'think' will change the way you teach foreign languages? For example, will teachers keep teaching skimming and scanning skills, when we can get the computer to do most of this for us? Or, do we really need to try to 'guess meaning from context', when we have tools like Lingro that will allow us to click a word we don't know and get a defintion (and at the same time create a personalized word list?) Or do you think that regardless of technology, we should still teach languages in the same was as before?
