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2 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba


There are so many opinions about social networks such as facebook, myspace. One of them is using social networks on workplaces or schools. Although most of the instructers think that technology is unnecessary for education in the future, I think it is essential. And if there are certain policies, it can improve the performances of students and communication between peers.


What is your thoughts about social networks related to education?
Do you think it should be applied to education system? 

7 yorum:

  1. We are using facebook so often to share a lecture note, lecture slide etc. Its much more easier to reach people since its popularity. As it is in messenger, you don't have to find the exact e-mail address of your friend in facebook. Another benefit of social networks for education is the advantage of studying when you are in your home. Sometimes we are supposed to do group works, but it becomes very hard to adjust the appropriate time for all of the members. By using these networks its much more easier to adjust time and do these works. We are using Edmodo for ENG126 and I think all of the students are pleased to use it.
    In short, I think social networks should be used in education due to their numerous benefits. Here is a video related to the issue =)

  2. We all use the social network such as Facebook and Edmodo. Yes, Erkan is right; we don't need an exact e-mail adress of our friends. Facebook is enough. Actually, using social media in schools or workplaces can be beneficial. For example; we use Edmodo for EFL126.It is really good for us and teacher. We can easily find homeworks, quizzes and our grades.

  3. I exactly agree with my friends in this respect. It is obvious that technology has so many benefits as well as education. without no doubt it will be continued being used in education fields due to the improvements in this area. with social network,sharing video, knowledge and any type of files is more easier any more. Moreover no longer student don't have to take a specific account such as e-mail to share an enormous file. In addition people can constitute a work group in order to work together in every time as long as they are online. We have already experienced this method of study by using EDMODO and FACEBOOK GROUP. Thus, all of us have an opinion how media improve our learning skills.

  4. At first thank you all for your comments. I think Erkan pointed an important issue 'time'. Since we study at university, we all have different courses and time is being a problem when we try to study together. It's easy to follow a group page on social networks instead of checking e-mails regularly. However, we need certain policies to apply social networks to education, for example, there should be a curriculum not to be lost when students dealing with assignments.

  5. In order to check e-mails every time you log in its easy to be in a group like we have on facebook and we share everything from exam dates, videos to class discussion... If we use for good manner we can get success and improve our learning skills.

  6. Well Bülent, I think social networks are useful in education. For example, in EFL 126 class we work on facebook, study on edmodo. We upload lots of things and our teacher check them on his/her desk/home. Social networks are certainly very helpful for students for their homework. However, what I also agree is social networks are not suitable for all classes..

  7. Well I think using social networks is a plus. Of course it can be applied to the whole teaching process but honestly, when we think of social networking sites we do not link it with education or education isn't usually something that comes to our mind. So I think we should try this for some time and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of use of social networks and how they really affect the teaching/learning process.It is no secret that social networks may be seen as a distraction even if we try to use it towards education. So we should give it some time and examine the whole process, look at pluses and , and then we can make clear statements about this. But honestly, I believe that social networks could distract us and shift focus to other things.
